Hybrid Foam Coating & Roofing

A Roofer Sprays Foam Over a Roof.

Complete Roof Protection

Hybrid foam coating & roofing stands as one of the most reliable and complete roof protection systems. It is essentially the combination of spray foam and a durable roof coating. These two components in tandem offer superior protection from leaks. You can hire us here at ECO Roofing for complete spray foam and roof coating roofing services. We have been applying foam coating & roofing in Biloxi & Gulfport, MS for a very long time. Business owners, property managers and real estate agents alike trust us for this roofing solution because we do meticulous work. We make sure that all of the vulnerable points in your roofing system have been properly cared for and coated. We use the most advanced sprayers and equipment to offer efficient and quick service. We know that you can’t wait to get your doors open to the public again so you can count on us to get the job done in a timely manner. If you are interested in hybrid foam coating or roofing, you can give ECO Roofing a call. We will be glad to fill you in on everything you need to know about this powerful roofing system. We can come out to your commercial property and perform an inspection and give you an estimate on hybrid foam coating or roofing. All you have to do to get started is call us at (877) 406-7663 so do it today!

How Can you Benefit from Hybrid Foam Coating & Roofing?

Foam coatings and roofing offer many great advantages to any commercial building. Whether your roof is young or old, it can provide an extra layer of protection and shore up its weak spots. The most important advantage of this coating system is that it is seamless. The foam is applied to flashing, joints and any other weak spots in the roof and instantly fills in any openings. This not only keeps water and moisture out, but it keeps conditioned interior air from seeping out. In this way, it can certainly make your building more energy-efficient.

After the foam is applied to weak points in your roof, a coating that goes over the entirety of your roof can be applied. This coating adds another protective yet lightweight layer to your roof. It also keeps your building cooler due to its highly reflective surface. Call ECO Roofing at (877) 406-7663 for hybrid foam coating & roofing in Biloxi & Gulfport, MS.